Hardline Muslims Beat Christians Unconscious in Uganda

Two evangelists were working in heavily Islamic area.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Two evangelists are still receiving hospital treatment two weeks after hardline Muslims in eastern Uganda beat them unconscious for proclaiming Christ, sources said. Samuel Mukiibi, 27, and 25-year-old Ephraim Duula in the last six years have led several Muslims to Christ. They were attacked on May 16 near Naigombwa swamp […]

Muslim Suspected of Killing His Christian Mother, Relative Says

Imam in training and wife are said to have poisoned food.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A Muslim in eastern Uganda is suspected of killing his mother last week by putting pesticide in her food for refusing to leave her Christian faith, a relative said. Sulaina Nabirye, 50, of Kamuli, Kamuli District, put her faith in Christ on Feb. 10, and since then her 31-year-old son […]

Young Christian Woman Killed by Muslim Family Member

Separately, evangelist sustains serious injuries in beating.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – The Muslim brother of a 19-year-old woman in eastern Uganda on March 29 killed her for putting her faith in Christ, sources said. Namukuve Sawuya had come to faith through a Christian Union Fellowship at her high school, a relative said. When her father, 60-year-old Alhaji Muzamiru, noticed she was […]

Christian Slain, Mother and Daughter Burned for their Faith

Muslim extremists target evangelist in eastern Uganda.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – An evangelist was slain and a mother and her 10-year-old daughter suffered serious burns for their faith in separate incidents last month in eastern Uganda. In Busei B village, Nakalama Sub-County in Iganga District, sources said Ronald Twinomugisha had received threats by text message from Muslims before he was hacked […]

Muslim Extremists Kill Christian Convert in Kenya

Assailants injure three other evangelists from Uganda.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Muslim extremists on March 8 ambushed and killed an evangelist from Kenya and severely injured three others from Uganda near a town on Kenya’s border with Uganda, sources said. The four Christian workers were returning to Bugiri, Uganda after a four-day outreach in Kenya when they were attacked near Busia, […]

Christian Slain for Leading Muslims to Faith in Christ

Body found with note in Arabic saying he was warned.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists in eastern Uganda on March 8 killed a Christian for leading Muslims to faith in Christ, sources said. Kiisa Masolo, 45, had returned to his home in Nakitiku village, Bunabuka parish, Bubeza Sub-County in Sironko District at 7 p.m. after preaching on the streets of Nakaloke and Busajjabwankuba […]

Christian Convert Couple Slain for their Faith

Parents of four young children came to faith two months prior.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A formerly Muslim couple in eastern Uganda, parents of four young children, were slashed to death on Feb. 2, two months after putting their faith in Christ, sources said. Twaha Namwoyo, 38, and his 27-year-old wife, Nadiimu Katooko, were slain for their faith outside their house in Bulalaka village, Saala […]

Christian Beaten Unconscious, Home Burned

Father of three attacked for helping prepare evangelistic event.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Muslim villagers in eastern Uganda on Jan. 30 beat a Christian unconscious upon seeing him prepare a site for an evangelistic event, and they later set his house ablaze, sources said. The 34-year-old father of three children, Philemon Shuha, was helping to set up an open-air evangelistic event with Titus […]

Father Beaten and Loses Family, Home for Becoming Christian

Muslim relatives attack after learning of his new faith.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – A Muslim in Uganda who put his faith in Christ as the new year began has suffered serious injuries and lost his home and family, sources said. Tambuze Marijani of Nangi village, Mayuge District sustained a broken leg below the knee and other injuries requiring nearly two weeks of hospital […]

Three Christian Family Members Slain on Christmas Day

Muslim extremists shouting jihadist slogan kill grandmother and two children.

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Islamic extremists killed a 75-year-old woman and her two grandchildren in western Uganda on Christmas Day, sources said. The bodies of Edrine Ngwabize and her two grandchildren, 5-year-old Emoni Niwalindwa and 13-year-old Mathias Byamukama, were found inside their home in Nyabitutsi village, Kamwenge Sub-County in Kamwenge District after Muslim extremists […]