CAIRO, Egypt (Morning Star News) – Security police in Morocco detained a Christian for 24 hours after finding Christian literature in his backpack, according to published reports. Spanish news agency EFE reported that authorities stopped the 35-year-old Moroccan, whose name was not disclosed, as he came out of his home in Rabat on Wednesday morning (April […]
Security Agents in Morocco Reportedly Detain Christian for 24 Hours
Harassment comes amid calls for religious freedom.
Verdict for Moroccan Convert from Islam Sentenced for ‘Proselytism’ Expected Feb. 6
Hastily convicted Mohamed El Baladi received 30-month prison term.
TIZI OZOU, Algeria (Morning Star News) – A Moroccan appeals court on Thursday (Dec. 26) heard arguments for a Christian convert from Islam hastily sentenced to prison for alleged “proselytizing,” sources said. The Court of Appeal in Fez is expected to deliver a ruling on Feb. 6. Mohamed El Baladi was sentenced to 30 months in prison […]
Appeal Postponed for Moroccan Convert from Islam Sentenced for ‘Proselytizing’
Court hoping publicity over Christian convicted without due process will subside, sources say.
TIZI OZOU, Algeria (Morning Star News) – A Moroccan court yesterday postponed until Dec. 31 an appeals hearing for a convert hastily sentenced to prison for alleged “proselytizing,” in hopes that international publicity over his conviction will subside by then, Christian sources said. Mohamed El Baladi was sentenced to 30 months in prison on Sept. 3, […]
Swift Trial of Moroccan Christian at Odds with ‘Moderate Morocco’
Convert from Islam reviled for ‘apostasy,’ convicted in one week.
TIZI OUZOU, Algeria, (Morning Star News) – The swift conviction of a Christian for “proselytizing” in Morocco last week shows a harsher reality than the moderate face the country presents to the West, sources said. A court in Taounate, a town in northern Morocco of some 33,000 people about 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Fez, […]
Christian Tragedy in the Muslim World
An antidote to the West's dysfunctional spin on Islam.
(Morning Star News) – Few people realize that we are today living through the largest persecution of Christians in history, worse even than the famous attacks under ancient Roman emperors like Diocletian and Nero. Estimates of the numbers of Christians under assault range from 100 million to 200 million. According to one estimate, a Christian […]
Christians Deported from Morocco Fight to be Reunited with Orphans
Court rules against Village of Hope, reversing ruling that it was a legal entity.
CAIRO, Egypt (Morning Star News) – Expatriate Christians who ran an orphanage in Morocco until they were deported on charges of proselytism said yesterday they will take their fight to be reunited with the children to the Supreme Court if necessary. An appellate court earlier this month delivered a verbal ruling in favor of the Moroccan […]
Christians in Morocco Fear Fatwa Portends Harsher Treatment
Converts unsettled by call for execution of those who leave Islam.
CAIRO, Egypt (Morning Star News) – A Moroccan fatwa calling for the execution of those who leave Islam has left many Christian converts in turmoil. There is still much debate over how the fatwa, which only recently came to light after the government’s top authority on Islam issued it last year, could change laws in Morocco. […]